Hexagram 19 Breaking stereotypes

I Ching. Hexagram 19 is named 臨 (lín), “Nearing”.
Other variations include “Approach”, “Approaching the new”, “Forest”.

Hexagram 19 Breaking stereotypesHexagram 19. Relationship extenal trigrams

A huge plain spread out under the blue sky. Life is rich, intense, and meaningful now.
It seems what so was always and will so always. Norms, rules and the stereotypes of this life developed by the centuries. They reflect correctly determined reality side and seem absolute true.
Water arrives in the underground lake under the plain. Many the new facts and phenomena that contradict the current picture of the world are revealed.
Pressure increases. The facts that do not fit into the existing model of reality are becoming more and more.
A huge thickness of the earth does not withstand the pressure of groundwater. The existing matrix of stereotypes can not further satisfactorily describe the entire volume of phenomena occurring.
Turbulent flows water break away to surface, bearing valuable gold ingots. A new understanding of reality, allowing to explain previously incomprehensible events, changes the established habitual picture of the world. A new awareness brings a number of valuable discoveries.
Where once there was an endless plain, tomorrow there will be a huge lake. Precious gold ingots will shine from the bottom of the lake. The picture of the world that has been formed for centuries will be broken by a joyful accomplishment that will bring many valuable discoveries.

Hexagram 19. Relationship internal trigrams

IN THE SUBTLE WORLD vibration is similar, which doubles the strength of what is happening.
A huge plain spread out under the blue sky. In the subconscious there is a solid picture of the world, which correctly describes a certain facet of reality.
Tiny seeds of trees sprouted deep under the earth. In the depths of the subconscious, a new look arises on what is happening.
Vast earth thickness pressed down weak sprouts. The centuries-old matrix of stereotypes does not allow the emergence of a new emerging awareness of what is happening.
It seems, the trees are doomed to remain forever in the darkness under earth. It seems that a new awareness can never overcome the prevailing views.
However, the trees grow very fast (like the thunder) and swiftly overcome the whole vast earth. New comprehension, deriving strength in the obstacle, breaks open a strong matrix of developed stereotypes.
The trees break through to the light and soon the whole vast field will disappear beneath their mighty crown. A new look at the events happening completely fills the plane of the subconscious.


As in the manifested reality and in the subtle world, a large Earth (established dogma, rules, stereotypes) with all its weight restrains a new awareness of reality. At first, at the level of the subconscious, the established picture of the world will be sharply (like thunder) destroyed. Then the joyful accomplishment will bring a treasure of a new understanding of what is happening in the manifested reality. Dogmas, stereotypes can not constrain a new miraculous awareness of reality. BREAKING STEREOTYPES.

It is unfavorable not to notice new facts that contradict the existing model of thinking. It will favorably concentrate on all-new, unclear, unknown. This will help to reveal the invaluable treasure of new awareness.

You should look for unusual, non-standard solutions for any situation if this hexagram drops out.

Multidimensionality (opposite vibration)


Hexagram 19 opposite vibration DOGMATIC THINKINGDOGMATIC THINKING is blindly following the prevailing views and stereotypes, accepting them as the unshakable and final truth. DOGMATIC THINKING ignores facts that are not consistent with the dominant concept. It drives contradictions deep in subconsciousness and creates favorable circumstances for BREAKING STEREOTYPES.



Breaking stereotypes

I’m told not to stand. I no longer do.

I’m told not to sing. I no longer do.

I am told to die! I‘ll wake up, I‘ll cry…

Or, most likely, I will just die…

Positions to consider:

  1. Nobody can give up stereotypes altogether, as it would be equivalent to rejecting all the cultural heritage.
  2. “Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them,” Albert Einstein.
  3. Stepping out of the stereotypes matrix is equivalent to being out of your mind, which is madness.
  4. “Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it,” Vincent van Gogh.
  5. “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you,” Carl Jung.
  6. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people do not live at all, their stereotypes live for them.
  7. “Nothing prevents one from seeing, as much as one’s own point of view,” Don Aminado.
  8. “Common sense is the collection of prejudices, acquired by age eighteen,” Albert Einstein.
  9. “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature,” Anne Frank.
  10. “The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules — but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them,” Aleister Crowley.
  11. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform,” Mark Twain.
  12. “We form our beliefs in childhood, and then move through life, recreating situations that would fit our beliefs,” Louise Hay.
  13. “The words of truth are always paradoxical,” Lao Tzu.
  14. “Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking,” Albert Einstein.
  15. “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense,” Buddha.
  16. We do not see the world directly. The visual signal first passes through the data bank in the brain for identification (stereotyping), and only then it is available for awareness. We are forever doomed to be a prisoner of our stereotypes!
  17. “The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion,” Albert Einstein.
  18. “A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be,” Albert Einstein.
  19. “Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions,” Albert Einstein.
  20. “Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking,” Albert Einstein.
  21. “The golden rule is that there are no golden rules,” George Bernard Shaw.
  22. “…a man of great common sense and good taste, meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage,” George Bernard Shaw ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’.
  23. “…and led me to finally recognize that I was but an automaton devoid of free will in thought and action and merely responsible to the forces of the environment,” Nikola Tesla, ‘My Inventions’.
  24. “I was merely an automaton endowed with the power of movement, responding to the stimuli of the sense organs and thinking and acting accordingly,” ― Nikola Tesla, ‘My Inventions’.
  25. “The most difficult step is a step beyond what is usual,” an unknown author.
  26. “If you live according to the instructions, then you may die from a typo,” the author is unknown.
  27. “I will believe anything, if only it would be completely unbelievable,” the author is unknown.
  28. “What if the plants grow us, supplying oxygen only so that after a death we serve them as good hummus?” – unknown author.
  29. “The golden rule is that there are no golden rules,” George Bernard Shaw.
  30. “Patriotism: the conviction that your country is better than others because you were born in it,” George Bernard Shaw.
  31. “You are limited only by the walls that you yourself have built around yourself,” Eddie Murphy.
  32. “When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else … you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being,” Eleanor Roosevelt.
  33. “If you have an idea of how things should be, in this case you will never see how things really are,” – unknown author.
  34. “He who does not think for himself is under the suggestion of another who thinks for him,” Leo Tolstoy.
  35. “When all think alike, no one thinks very much,” Walter Lippmann.
  36. “Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world,” Arthur Schopenhauer.

 Numerology hexagram 19

Hexagram 19 corresponds to the Manipura chakra

Author: Evgeny Kitanin (Vet Zatinus).

All hexagrams


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