

10 Responses to Answer

  1. Good afternoon. I’m not young anymore. And my husband is almost old. Many years passed before we found and fell in love with each other. To live and rejoice. Only now my husband is deaf and almost blind. He sees me poorly or does not see anything around at all, nor that in front of his nose, and he hardly hears me or hears only what he very much wants to hear, and then with a delay. How to be and how to suffer further with this problem? Regards, Tatiana.

    • says:

      Good afternoon, Tatyana! The question of accepting old age and death itself is the central question of our life. The Japanese say: “live, as if dead”. It means that a person lovingly accepts everything and even his death. This will allow you to remain happy in the flow of leaving from the life plan.

  2. Я))) says:

    Hello. I want to know what my talent is, what it is, so that I can implement it. I have been looking for ways to solve this problem for a long time. I will be happy to know your opinion. Thank you! ))))

    • says:

      In my opinion, every person is talented in many areas, but in life he is likely to reveal that talent that causes delight, a wave of love among those around him. We unconsciously follow the love, the approval of others. This may not be the best option. The talent must correspond to our destination This talent can be determined by the state of internal drive, when flying unnoticed hours. I advise you to concentrate on this talent.

      • Я))) says:

        Thank you! I have not yet thought in this direction, but it seems that this will help me in this matter. Thanks for the advice that can be really apply in my life !!!

  3. Ирина says:

    I wrote a comment in the “Basic Law”, and then realized that the question should be written here. I’m wondering, are there actually energy bindings like the spell, and how do they act on the subtle plane? Thank you in advance.

    • says:

      Hello Irina! In my opinion the action of the “spell” is often the reverse, that is, it does not stabilize, but rather destroys the pair. For more details, see the answer to your comment in the “Basic Law”

      • Ирина says:

        Thank you very much for the detailed answer. For me, this nightmare is already behind, and thanks to someone else’s intervention, we seem to have reached a new level of relations. We began to appreciate each other more.

  4. Вера says:

    Eugene, good night. I wanted to express my gratitude to you. Using the Book of Changes for divination, I always look for your site for interpretation. He very much responded to me.
    Good luck, health, interesting interlocutors, students, teachers and just casual passers-by. Vera. Oh, Happy Holidays to you !!!

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