Numerology of hexagrams

Here is a brief numerological analysis of each hexagram.

Base Numbers in Numerology 

Kryon: Numerology for 2017

Lee Carroll channelling Kryon in Las Vegas December 2016. 

1 = all there is, unity
2 = duality, free choice, puzzle
3 = catalyst (healers often have this number around them) They change things around them without changing themselves.
4 = earth number, community, Gaia, grounded, farmers, agriculture
5 = forced change
6 = harmony, spiritually high, co-operative
7 = all things spirituality, alters, spiritual activity, etc
8 = manifestation and abundance. Not just money but health, life, immunity…
9 = completion of a cycle, the end of something, graduation

Master numbers in Numerology

11 = Illumination. People who see this number or even repeated e.g. – 11:11 on the clock are here to be illuminated
22 = strong duality.  A decision that has very different results in opposite directions
33 = ultimate compassion. This is our current active number of DNA as well.

Other master numbers higher e.g. – 44, 55, 66, etc. are yet to be understood. They will come clear as we evolve and are currently not available to decipher.


Let’s start from zero. Vibration zero is required for the analysis of hexagrams 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.



0 – emptiness, the receptacle of all that exists.

Image 1: First sound Om. Complete silence or deafening scream.

Image 2: Absolutely everything is possible!

Image 3: Loss of all landmarks and meanings, loss of everything.


Hexagram 1

1 = all there is, unity.

Image 1: “I am what I am.”

Image 2: A person who confidently begins to act in an unknown area.

Image 3: So many things can be realized that nothing will be done!

Conformity hexagram 1 “Power of Yang. Karmic rewards”:

Beginning of the creation of own flow of events.


Hexagram 2

2 = duality, free choice, puzzle.

The vibration of deuce is the environment for the manifestation of life and love, it is an opportunity and demand for the divine creative impulse. The deuce symbolizes the duality of our world: good and evil, male and female, spiritual and physical, etc.

Image 1: The subconscious, the main hidden part of a person.

Image 2: Pure perception.

Image 3: The mystery of the birth. Uncontrollable, unconscious activity, sweeping away everything in its path.

Matching hexagram 2 “Power of Yin. Karmic rewards”

Pure perception, following the flow, the environment for the birth of everything, the universal feminine principle.


Hexagram 3

3 = catalyst (healers often have this number around them). They change things around them without changing themselves.

This is a change in our environment when we ourselves are immutable. These are changes of ourselves when our Higher-Selves are unchanging.

Image 1: It is a small child, around which passions rage. It is beauty, for which battle goes.

Image 2: This is the presence of the Enlightened One.

Image 3: Fear of all unknown, incomprehensible, fear of self, fear of darkness.

Matching hexagram 3 Worthlessness: Even when you are confident in your insignificance, you still strongly change everything around you.


Hexagram 4

4 = earth number, community, Gaia, grounded, farmers, agriculture.

Image 1: The manifested, structured, physically perceived reality of being.

Image 2: Powerful mother energy: the baby still did not understand what he would need tomorrow, and the mother had already prepared everything in advance.

Image 3: Destruction or substitution of the foundations of physical existence.

Matching hexagram 4 “Ignorance”:

Getting the necessary knowledge will be provided with everything you need.


Hexagram 5

5 = forced change

Image 1: How long I was fighting, like a fly on glass, but I had to just go the other side.

Image 2: Always crawled and suddenly flew!

Image 3: This is my destiny … Shout just, be silent just, you only will change nothing!

Matching hexagram 5 “Karma”:

Karma will change you, and you – karma!


Hexagram 6

6 = harmony, spiritually high, co-operative

Image 1: Mother continuing to love her son, not seeing to what all consider his last villain.

Image 2: The Angel with the Demon decided to have lunch.

Image 3: Passionate intention to be separated, to punish, to curse, to destroy.

Matching hexagram 6 “Conflict”:

Conflict is the way of holy acceptance.


Hexagram 7

7 = all things spirituality, alters, spiritual activity, etc.

Image 1: Warrior bold going towards fire squall. Why is not killed? Only scratches!

Image 2: Knowledge of truth beyond words.

Image 3: Condemnation of life and God, loss of love, suicide.

Matching hexagram 7 Battle:

A battle is a shortcut to finding true love!


Hexagram 8

8 = manifestation and abundance. Not just money but health, life, immunity…

Image 1: The head of the family, responsible for his family.

Image 2: A scientist discovering new laws.

Image 3: Crazy, renouncing reality, and living in their worlds.

Matching hexagram 8 Union:

Union is a practical manifestation of power and responsibility.


Hexagram 9

9 = completion of a cycle, the end of something, graduation

9 – a symbol of Heaven, the Highest, the perfection.

Image 1: The beauty of emptiness and the charm of silence.

Image 2: I achieved what I wanted. What now?

Image 3: Panic-stricken activity due to the fear of emptiness.

Matching hexagram 9 Egoism:

Completion of a meaningful affair at the beginning of the path will lead to selfishness.


Hexagram 10

Ten starts from 1 – the beginning of a new one (see 1) and ends with 0 (more details 0) – this is a void containing a new layer. 10 is the coming of a new stage of life.

Result: 1 + 0 = 1 – the beginning of the new (more details 1).

Image 1: When the baby opens his eyes, he is struck by a wonderful vision. What is it?

Image 2: The ecstasy of pleasure leading to a new look at familiar things. How is this soup unusually beautiful!

Image 3: Fear of the new. The desire to leave everything as is, do not change anything, live in the past.

Outcome: Opening a new Initial Plan.

Matching hexagram 10 “Delight”:

Enjoyment will open a new life plan.


Hexagram 11

11 = Illumination. People who see this number or even repeated e.g. – 11:11 on the clock are here to be illuminated.

First 1 – The Initial plan (more details 10), then 1 – the beginning of the new action (more 1). This is a master number: a number consisting of identical digits. This is the beginning of new action on the new plan. Very great potential for a jump. 11 is the number of the transition to a qualitatively different state, the Kryon number.

The result: 1 + 1 = 2 – duality. Duality came along with the experience of successfully completing the previous stage of life.

Image 1: First Love.

Image 2: The first solution is based only on intuition.

Image 3: Expectations of inevitable misfortunes and fierce struggle against the coming changes.

Outcome: The double beginning of the new will reveal deep contradictions and lead to enlightenment.

Matching hexagram 11 Birth of love:

 The double beginning of the new will reveal deep contradictions and lead to the birth of love.


Hexagram 12

Initially 1 – The initial plan (10 more), then 2 – duality (detail 2). This is a duality in a new life stage. This is the perception of a new, beyond the past experience, based on past experience. 12 symbolizes the secret of our life, the secret of time. Result: 1 + 2 = 3 – changes in the environment (details 3).

Image 1: “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength,” King James Bible, Psalms 8:2.

Image 2: The Lord of his emotions.

Image 3: Matrix of stereotypes.

Result: Duality in the new stage of life will cause changes in the environment.

Matching hexagram 12 Jealousy:

Jealousy, caused by duality, will lead to changes in the environment. 


Hexagram 13

First 1 – Initial plan (more details 10), then 3 – catalyst (more details 3). Result: 1 + 3 = 4 – vibration of the mother, of the Earth (more 4).

Image 1: Unforgivably beautiful and young!

Image 2: A dazzling smile.

Image 3: Dullness and mediocrity. Fear of being wrong and stand out.

Outcome: Changes in the environment will lead to the provision of everything necessary.

Matching hexagram 13 Problems with friends:

Changes in relationships with friends will lead to a lasting position.


Hexagram 14

First 1 – The Initial plan (more details 10), then 4 – the vibration of the Mother Earth (more 4). Result: 1 + 4 = 5 – changes (more details 5).

Image 1: I just thought and immediately it showed up!

Image 2: Only when I lost everything, I realized that I really did not need anything at all!

Image 3: Life is a continuous series of losses!

Result: Providing all the necessary will lead to change.

Matching hexagram 14 “Possessing the Great”:

Possessing a great path to powerful change.


Hexagram 15

First, 1 – Initial plan (details 10), then 5 – changes (more details 5). Result: 1 + 5 = 6 – acceptance (more details 6).

Result: Changes in a new stage of life will bring acceptance of all that is happening.

Matching hexagram 15 Humility:

Changes will bring humility.


Hexagram 16

First 1 – The Initial plan (more details 10), then 6 – acceptance (more 6). Result: 1 + 6 = 7 – love of everything (more details 7).

Outcome: Accepting will bring love.

Matching hexagram 16 “Envy”:

Acceptance will turn envy into love.


Hexagram 17

First 1 – The Initial plan (more details 10), then 7 – the spiritual study of life (more 7).
Result: 1 + 7 = 8 – practice (more details 8).

Outcome: Learning life leads to practice.

Matching hexagram 17 Subservience:

Practical study of life at the initial stage will lead to subservience.


Hexagram 18

First 1 – Initial plan (more details 10), then 8 – practice (more details 8). Result: 1 + 8 = 9 – completion (more details 9).

Outcome: Completion through practice.

Matching hexagram 18 “Duality”:
Through practice from duality to completion and enlightenment.


Hexagram 19

First 1 – Initial plan (more details 10), then 9 – the completion (more 9). Result: 1 + 9 = 10 – new perspectives (more details 10).

Outcome: Completion of the Initial Plan will open new prospects.

Matching hexagram 19 Breaking stereotypes:
Completion of current affairs will lead to the breaking of stereotypes and new perspectives.


Hexagram 20

First 2 – the Duality plan (more details 2), then 0 – emptiness (more details 0).

Result: 2 + 0 = 2 – duality (more details 2).

Outcome: The opening of a new area – the Duality plan.

Matching hexagram 20 Comprehending the mysteries:
Comprehending the mysteries is an awareness of the duality of self and the world.


Hexagram 21

At the beginning 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 1-new action (more 1). Result: 2 + 1 = 3 – catalyst (more details 3).

Outcome: Changes in your environment will be triggered by a new action.

Matching hexagram 21 “Violence plan”:
Violence is the catalyst for changes in your environment.

______________________________________________________________Hexagram 22

First 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 2 – duality (more details 2). This is a master number: a number consisting of the same digits. Very strong, dominant vibration of duality, very great potential for a jump. This is a manifested duality in  the Duality plan.

Result: 2 + 2 = 4 – the number of the mother of the Earth (more 4).

Outcome: Contradictions in the Duality plan will lead to the provision of everything necessary.

Matching hexagram 22 “Beauty:
“Beauty will save the world,” F. Dostoevsky.


Hexagram 23

Initially 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 3 – the catalyst (more 3).

Result: 2 + 3 = 5 – changes (more details 5).

Outcome: Changes in the environment in the Duality plan.

Matching hexagram 23 “Wealth”:
Wealth will cause powerful changes in the environment.


Hexagram 24

Initially 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 4 – the energy of the Earth (more 4). Result: 2 + 4 = 6 – acceptance (details 6).

Outcome: Powerful support and protection in the Duality plan will lead to acceptance of everything.

Matching hexagram 24 Service:
Service in the Duality plan will lead to acceptance of everything.


Hexagram 25

At the beginning 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20),
then 5 – the changes (more details 5).

Result: 2 + 5 = 7 – spiritual quest, love for everything, integrity (more 7).

Outcome: Changes in the plan of Duality will lead to integrity and love for everything.

Matching hexagram 25 “Sacrifice”:

Sacrifice is the source of spiritual change.


Hexagram 26

Initially 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 6 – acceptance (more 6).

Result: 2 + 6 = 8 – practice, manifestation, responsibility (more details 8).

Outcome: Adoption of duality will bring practical results.

Matching hexagram 26 “Execution of desires”:
Accepting irreconcilable contradictions realizes your desires.


Hexagram 27

Initially 2 – the plan of Duality (more 20), then 7 – spiritual quest, love of everything (more 7).

Result: 2 + 7 = 9 – completion (more details 9).

Outcome: Spiritual quest in the plan of Duality will complete an important stage of life.

Matching hexagram 27 Harmonious nutrition:
A spiritual quest for harmonious nutrition will help realize an important stage of life.


Hexagram 28

Initially 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 8 – practice (more details 8).

Result: 2 + 8 = 10 – new stage (more details 10).

Outcome: Practice in the Duality plan will lead to the discovery of a new one.

Conformity to hexagram 28 Obsessive caring: Obsessive caring, like practice against irreconcilable contradictions, will lead to the discovery of new facets of life.


Hexagram 29

Initially 2 – the Duality plan (more details 20), then 9 – the completion (more 9).

Result: 2 + 9 = 11 – the master number of sudden changes and enlightenment (more 11).

Outcome: Completion in the Duality plan will lead to very drastic changes.

Matching hexagram 29 “Loss of Love”:
The loss of love will lead to drastic changes and enlightenment.


Hexagram 30

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan, what causes powerful changes around itself, while it itself changes little (more details 3); then 0 – emptiness, as the receptacle of all things (more details 0).

Result: 3 + 0 = 3 – vibration of the catalyst (more details 3).

Outcome: Opening the Catalyst plan, which will radically change the environment.

Matching hexagram 30 Worldly love:
Worldly love is the way to radically change the environment.


Hexagram 31

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 1 – a new action (more details 1).

Result: 3 + 1 = 4 – protection and provision with all necessary (more 4).

Result: The new action of changing the environment will lead to protection, support and provision of everything necessary.

Matching hexagram 31 “Compassion”:
Compassion will be maintained and lead to a lasting position.


Hexagram 32

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 2 is duality (more details 2).

Result: 3 + 2 = 5 – changes (more details 5).

Outcome: Duality in the Catalyst plan will lead to powerful changes.

Matching hexagram 32 Happiness:
Happiness will change and transform everything around.


Hexagram 33

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst’s plan (more details 30); then 3 – changes in the environment (more details 3). This is a master number: a number consisting of the same digits. Very strong, dominant vibration of the catalyst, very high potential for a jump.

Result: 3 + 3 = 6-perception, holiness (more details 6).

Outcome: Changing the environment in all plans will lead to acceptance and holiness.

Matching hexagram 33 “Vanity”: The futile search for glory in humans will lead to acceptance of everything without any restrictions.


Hexagram 34

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 4 – the energy of the Earth (more 4).

Result: 3 + 4 = 7 – love of everything, perfection (details 7).

Outcome: Changes in the environment will be maintained and lead to excellence.

Matching hexagram 34 Purification:
Purification is the path to perfection and love for everything.


Hexagram 35

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 5 – changes (more details 5).

Result: 3 + 5 = 8 – practice (more details 8).

Outcome: Changes in the environment will yield important results.

Matching hexagram 35 “Progress”:
Progress will be caused by changes in your environment.


Hexagram 36

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 6 – acceptance of everything (more details 6).

Result: 3 + 6 = 9 – completion, sensitivity, humanitarianity (more 9).

Outcome: Accepting everything in the environment will lead to completion.

Matching hexagram 36 “Fear of death”:
Fear of death will lead to completion, sensitivity, and humanitarianism.


Hexagram 37

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 7 – love of everything, the study of life (more 7).

Result: 3 + 7 = 10 – a new stage of life (details 10).

Outcome: Love for everything in the Catalyst plan will open new prospects.

Matching hexagram 37 “Family problems”:
Unconditional love for one’s family will open a new stage of life.


Hexagram 38

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst plan (more details 30); then 8 – practice (more details 8).

Result: 3 + 8 = 11 – master number of abrupt changes and enlightenment (more details 11).

Outcome: Practice in terms of changing the environment will reveal deep internal contradictions and lead to drastic changes.

Matching hexagram 38 “Depression”:
Depression will lead to drastic changes and enlightenment.


Hexagram 39

At the beginning 3 – the Catalyst’s plan (more details 30); then 9 – completion, sensitivity (more 9).

Result: 3 + 9 = 12 – duality will cause changes in the environment.

Outcome: Completion will reveal contradictions and cause changes in the environment.

Matching hexagram 39 Major obstacle:
The major obstacle will open contradictions and change the environment.


Hexagram 40

At the beginning 4 – the plan of the Earth (more 4); then 0 – emptiness, as the receptacle of all things (more details 0).

Result: 4 + 0 = 4 – a plan for powerful support, protection, and provision of everything necessary (more 4).

Outcome: Opening of the Earth plan, a solid foundation for any endeavors.

Matching hexagram 40 Solution:
Resolving old problems – a solid foundation for a new beginning.


Hexagram 41

At the beginning 4 – the plan of the Earth (more details 40); then 1 – a new action (more details 1).

Result: 4 + 1 = 5 – quick changes (more details 5).

Result: The new action will find support and lead to changes.

Matching hexagram 41 Expectation failure:
Failure of expectation will lead to rapid changes.


Hexagram 42

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 2 is duality (more details 2).

Result: 4 + 2 = 6 – acceptance (more details 6).

Outcome: In the Earth, plan duality will lead to acceptance.

Conformity to hexagram 42 Abundant life:
Abundant life will lead to acceptance of everything.


Hexagram 43

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 3 – changes in the environment (more details 3).

Result: 4 + 3 = 7 – love of everything, wholeness, perfection (more 7).

Outcome: Changing the environment will lead to love, integrity, and excellence.

Matching hexagram 43 “Breakthrough”:
Breakthrough will lead to love, integrity, and excellence.


Hexagram 44

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40); then 4 – powerful support, protection, and provision with all necessary (more 4). This is a master number: a number consisting of identical digits.

Very strong, dominant vibration of the Earth, as reliable support and protection for any undertaking. Very great potential for a jump.

Result: 4 + 4 = 8 – practice, manifestation, responsibility (more details 8).

Outcome: Strong support in all plans will lead to responsible practice and the manifestation of one’s position.

Matching hexagram 44 “Disagreement with the flow of events”: Disagreement with the flow of events is a responsible practice and manifestation lasting position.


Hexagram 45

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 5 – changes (more details 5).

Result: 4 + 5 = 9 – completion, sensitivity, humanitarianity (more 9).

Result: Changes the background of abundance will bring the completion.

Matching hexagram 45 Playing with love:
Playing with love will bring completion, sensitivity, humanitarianism.


Hexagram 46

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 6 – acceptance (details 6).

Result: 4 + 6 = 10 – new stage (more details 10).

Outcome: Accepting everything in the Earth plan will open a new stage of life.

Matching hexagram 46 “Subconscious”: Accepting everything in the Earth plan will open a new layer of life – the subconscious.


Hexagram 47

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 7 – love of everything (more details 7).

Result: 4 + 7 = 11 – master number of enlightenment, sharp changes (more details 11).

Outcome: In the Earth plan love for everything will lead to drastic changes and enlightenment.

Matching hexagram 47 “Another Way”: Love for all will open a new path leading to dramatic changes and enlightenment.


Hexagram 48

At the beginning 4 – the plan of the Earth (more details 40);
then 8 – practice (more details 8).

Result: 4 + 8 = 12 – contradictions will cause changes in the environment (more details 12).

Outcome: Practice in the Earth plan will reveal contradictions and cause changes.

Conformity to hexagram 48 Inner resources:
Inner resources will reveal contradictions and lead to changes.


Hexagram 49

At the beginning 4 – the Earth plan (more details 40);
then 9 – completion, sensitivity, humanitarian (more 9).

Result: 4 + 9 = 13 – changes will lead to the provision of all necessary (more details 13).

Outcome: Completion will lead to a change in the environment and to provide everything necessary.

Conformity to hexagram 49 Pressing demand for changes:
The pressing demand for changes will lead to abundance.


Hexagram 50

In the beginning, 5 is the Plan of Changes (details 5);
then 0 – emptiness (more details 0).

Result: 5 + 0 = 5 – changes (more details 5).

Outcome: The discovery of a new layer of life, a Change plan, a plan for changes in the fundamental foundations of life.

Matching hexagram 50 “Positive thinking”:
Positive thinking will change the fundamental foundations of life.


Hexagram 51

In the beginning, 5 is the Change plan (more details 50);
then 1 – a new action (more details 1).

Result: 5 + 1 = 6 – acceptance (details 6).

Outcome: The new action in the Change plan will lead to acceptance.

Matching hexagram 51 “Shock”:
Shock will lead to acceptance of all that is happening.


Hexagram 52

In the beginning, 5 is the Change plan (more details 50);
then 2 – duality, contradictions (more details 2).

Result: 5 + 2 = 7 – love of everything, wholeness, perfection (more 7).

Outcome: Contradictions in the Change plan will lead to love for everything and perfection.

Matching hexagram 52 “Meditation”:
Meditation will open the way to love, integrity and perfection.


Hexagram 53

In the beginning, 5 is the Change plan (more details 50); then 3 – changes in the environment (more details 3).

Result: 5 + 3 = 8 – practice (more details 8).

Outcome: Changing the environment in the Change plan will yield important practical results.

Matching hexagram 53 “Connection with the Supreme”: Revisiting the fundamental foundations of life will lead to a connection with the Supreme.


Hexagram 54

In the beginning, 5 is the Change plan (more details 50); then 4 – powerful support (more 4).

Result: 5 + 4 = 9 – completion (more details 9).

Outcome: Powerful support for changing the foundations of life will lead to completion.

Matching hexagram 54 “Love Unconditional”:
Unconditional Love will lead to completion.


Hexagram 55

In the beginning, 5 is the Change plan (more details 50); then 5-change (more details 5). This is a master number: a number consisting of the same digits.

The very strong vibration of change. Very great potential for a jump.

Result: 5 + 5 = 10 – beginning of a new stage of life (more details 10).

Outcome: Powerful changes in the Change plan will open up something completely new.

Matching hexagram 55 “Imagination”:
Imagination will open something completely new.


Hexagram 56

In the beginning, 5 is the Change Plan (more details 50); then 6 – acceptance (details 6).

Result: 5 + 6 = 11 – the number of enlightenment, the master number of abrupt changes (details 11).

Outcome: Accepting the Change Plan will lead to dramatic changes and enlightenment.

Matching hexagram 56 “Integrity”:
Accepting everything is the path to Integrity.


Hexagram 57

In the beginning, 5 is the Change Plan (more details 50);
then 7 – spiritual quest (details 7).

Result: 5 + 7 = 12 – Contradictions at the new stage of life will cause changes in the environment (more details 12).

Outcome: Spiritual search in the Change Plan will resolve contradictions and change the environment.

Conformity to hexagram 57 “Materialization of thoughts”: Materialization of thoughts will resolve contradictions and change everything around.


Hexagram 58

In the beginning, 5 is the Change Plan (more details 50); then 8 – practice (more details 8).

Result: 5 + 8 = 13 – changes will lead to abundance (more details 13).

Result: Practice in the Change Plan will lead to the provision of everything necessary.

Matching hexagram 58 Reaching the goal: Joyful accomplishment will lead to abundance.


Hexagram 59

In the beginning, 5 is the Change Plan (more details 50);
then 9 – completion, hypersensitivity, humanitarianism (more 9).

Result: 5 + 9 = 14 – providing everything necessary will lead to changes (more details 14).

Outcome: Completion, hypersensitivity, humanitarianism will cause powerful changes.

Conformity to hexagram 59 Transformation of mind: Completion of revision of the fundamental foundations of life will lead to the transformation of the mind.


Hexagram 60

At the beginning 6 – the acceptance plan, Integrity plan (details 6);
then 0 – emptiness (more details 0).

Result: 6 + 0 = 6 – acceptance, reconciliation and consent (more details 6).

Outcome: Accepting everything will open a new layer of life to the Integrity plan.

Matching hexagram 60 “Fear of your own power”: Accepting everything will create fear of your own power and lead to Integrity.


Hexagram 61

At the beginning 6 – the plan of Integrity (more details 60); then 1 – a new action (more details 1).

Result: 6 + 1 = 7 – integrity, perfection (more details 7).

Outcome: A new action in the plan of Integrity will lead to perfection.

Matching hexagram 61 “Inner truth”: Inner truth is the path to integrity and perfection.


Hexagram 62

At the beginning 6 – the Integrity plan (more details 60);
then 2 is duality (more details 2).

Result: 6 + 2 = 8 – practice, responsibility (more details 8).

Outcome: Contradictions in the Integrity plan will lead to responsible practice.

Conformity to hexagram 62 Mistakes in the details:
Mistakes in the details will lead to responsible practice.


Hexagram 63

At the beginning 6 – the Integrity plan (more details 60);
then 3 – change the environment (more 3).

Result: 6 + 3 = 9 – completion (more details 9).

Outcome: Changing the environment in the Integrity plan (acceptance of everything) will bring the completion.

Matching hexagram 63 Goal completion: Acceptance of everything will lead to goal completion.


Hexagram 64

At the beginning 6 – the Integrity plan (more details 60); then 4 – support (more 4).

Result: 6 + 4 = 10 –  a new stage of life (more details 10).

Outcome: Powerful support in the Integrity plan will open a new stage of life.

Conformity to hexagram 64 Merger in the Supreme: Arrival of a new stage of life – Merger in the Supreme.



Author: Evgeny Kitanin (Vet Zatinus).

All hexagrams

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